
Showing posts from April, 2009

i prOmise u sorry i put ur phone yesterday..i felt kinda lost that time being in the hospital.. it was my first time there with grandma..n i dunno what can i do n what should i do..grandma is getting older..much more older than what i think..and she tends to forget seems like for her im still the high school girl..her memory on me stopped there..and sometimes she cant even recognise me..i wish im still the lil girl..coz she will then still b my energitic grandma..grandma please dont forget not ready for that day yet..i promise u i will try to come bac here as rapid as i can..i promise u...i promise.... 如果成长的代价是看着你慢慢变老 我可不可以不要长大


God im sorry..i promised u to stay away and be a good audience this time..but i failed..i ended up getting involved in the complicated situation siding now i i wrong?but i cant just letting people stabbing my mei and i say nth..i cant just let it be.. hey cold bloods..what will u do if u are me?are u guys supporting my decision?im feeling lost now.. shall we just forget the past forgive the wrong i miss the peaceful moments

sing K

hey is ur weekend??i had a really wonderful day today...sing K at times square..well honestly i dont really like TS..too crowded for me..but im there i miss my gang.. (: neway at times first time there..feel kinda lost to d unfamiliar..sobz luckily xlim is with expected..ahsee not coming..n jayson ffk me as well..sobz sobz..bad jayson.. ): had alot of snaps today still..getting addicted to snapping pics..hope i can have my own camera very soon..grrrr we are the cold bloods... (: shall we b like this?? or perhaps like this better!! XD meet jEn..she is cute dint she?? (: and surely not forgetting my twins!! (: jEn is cute..undeniable cute!!haha sorry lur jEn n u c!!i dint put d pic here!!u still have chance!!hahax went to lowyat after that..xlim wanna buy mouse wor..pity his previous mouse spoilt by him..lolx n the new mouse..i pity u for having xlim as ur owner..wakaka u better pray that xlim will treat u nice.. XP and..oh yeah..v went for ...


jz get done with d movie...twilight...finally...but not as great as what i expected...too big differences with what i imagined...kinda disappointed actually...but still i enjoyed the whole session... robert pattinson ..he is cool!!!!and he is the reason why i wanna watch this movie so...and obviously...throughout the movie...i enjoyed the musics and songs much more than the scene...gonna find d ost...hmm im sorry for the movie supporter..but still i think the original story is better... signing off soon...gonna go and tidy up myself...looking forward for the upcoming events...gonna enjoy myself kaokao today... good day out there!!!a loveable weekend... and still...i miss u again... (:


hmm..abandon my blog for a week...for MOCK wor...rubbish la..bad excuse...actually im jz too lazy to use my brain...lolx so let see..i snap lotz of pic this too bored...n most of them r snap when im having as u c...studying is really BORED~~~~~ my MOCK timetable well u see lazy ppl will have all sorts of ideas.. so call studying in library....... revising at hostel...... and it usually ends up with....... sigh...again lazy ppl can find all sorts of excuses .. milk is good for health...haha well i do love milk (: well i guess thats week of MOCK...lolx looking forward for tml outing...opps should be TODAY outing...haha kinda late dy...signing off soon...niteZ world!! shall i say..i love u.. (:


主吖,赐我考试前有宁静的心 助我善用空闲的时间 让我重新得力 不再闲思与空想 给我意志去专注 使我不受任何的干扰 以致我在求学生涯中 能谨守一志向 将生命当作活祭 让爱充满我懦弱的心 将所以失败的恐惧感驱逐 从我枕下赶走一切不安 助我凭着信心安睡 助我没有困扰的睡眠 在安静、信靠与平安中 愿我从不必要的恐惧与忧虑中 从肉体的疲累 和心灵的压力中释放出来 当我准备功课和考试时 让我不失去祷告的热忱 也助我不忘记从你话语中 得着每日的引导 我非常感激所有为我代导者 至于我,我愿为其他同学代求 希望考试时神给每一个人清醒的心思 考试内在的平安和喜乐 是一种的祝福 阿门

『暮光』 『新月』

吸血鬼跟人类之间的爱是怎样的?老实说我不知道 虽然故事还没结束 可是我已经被感动了 (要让我感动好像很容易 >, 病态似的在一天半的时间里面看完了两本比课本还厚的书 不要问我为什么 就是停不了 爱德华与贝拉 他们对爱的那份执著是我所缺乏的 突然想起去年在营里写下的那一页 天使跟恶魔 也是类似的东西吧 可是我的想法比作者悲观得多了 执著跟固执 很像可是也很不一样 但愿我能分得清楚 加油吧! 为故事里的你们 也为现实里的我


saturday again... i spent my whole day on my bed...well not totally...but almost..lolx study sleep fiction study sleep fiction...i made it a cycle...and it eventually used up my whole daytime... the last time i fall asleep was around 6 i think...not really sure about the time cz i leave the light on for whole day...woke up at 8++ i guess...hmm is time to bath again...i finally moved out of my bed...even i still want to nap for a longer time... and...after my luck came by...sis called me for dinner!!lolx what a great call!!haha i started to get bored to the food around here dy...and i was actually thinking to skip my meal again...she is really my me out of this mess...lolx heading to leng zai fried noodles at pj...nice!!i miss the food there...long time dint go dy...and finally today im there...really enjoy my dinner...n hey mr kelvin!!dont steal my mihun!!!lolx they sent me back to hostel after dinner...and oh ya not to forget sis bought me a new sweater...i cant...


another good day i said...n it goes on this way... came back to college today after lunch at medan...met with joseph around d corner near d international school...hmmm 'washing car' he said...i bet he dint...haha cz he looks more like trying to damage d car...lolx jz kidding... n guess what??HE is there!!!one gang with joseph knew he is in vu now...but i really dint thought about meeting him anymore...and i was damn shy when he is there...keep crapping with joseph and dun dare to look at him even though he was standing jz by my side...n gosh...u know what...he is so tall!!>, i miss those time v having music classes at j&j together...n meet u by chance during those motivation talk when spm was coming...hmmm...n i miss d songs u played...miss d post when u r concentrating on d theories...miss d way u spin ur pen when u r thinking...miss ur brother was he??d cute lil boy that wish me lucks during my practical exam... though never talk to him...but s...


我们的开始 本来就是一场游戏 而游戏 从我看不过眼放话要跟你杆上开始 一直以来 我都以为你是被动的 你的冷漠 你的酷 我很努力的破冰 那时候 我以为游戏掌握在我的手中 可是原来事实并非如此 还记得你说过 你不怕我不找你 因为差不多每一次我找你的时间都是错开的 所以 一直以来 大部分的时候都只有你找我 而我 都找不到你 原来 游戏的开头 我就已经输了 输在 被你看穿了我不可能会不理你 输在 每一次都在傻傻的等你 输在 面对你时我总是会心软 输在 我难过看见你难过 输在 我喜欢上了你 不要问我是什么时候 我也搞不清楚 也许是 你哄我别哭的时候 也许是 你在我面前肆无忌惮的耍幼稚的时候 也许是 发现我们之间有许多共同点的时候 也许是 习惯了每天都想见你的时候 又是雨天了 我们最喜欢的天气 因为这样的天气很好睡 你知道么 刚才 在你说要去睡的时候 我也小睡了一会 还不小心 作了个梦 在那里 你不再冷漠 在那里 我们没有隔膜 在你握住我的手的时候 我好希望 梦不要醒来 如果有一天 你上来 看见了这些文字 你会不会知道 我说的就是你呢 我 好希望 你会看到


呵呵 刚才是在说我自己 现在来说说今天其实到底是怎样的吧 嗯 先说说出席者吧 daddy waihoh kimzhang kaohao wayne teddy jolyne keelee keli jiajuen wyekeat n gf xinglei peili hong 世杰 还有他们的两个朋友 (不好意思不会写你们的名字 所以索性不写了 呵呵) 其实在现场除了打球外 还有很多东西看的 呵呵 像今天 我就看了一部很搞笑的戏 辛苦你们了!!配合的那么好 厉害 今天打到最爽的应该就是跟teddy partner的时候吧 打双打 对了不懂多少队 可是很好玩 他还教我打球呢!谢谢你咯 :) 还有还有 世杰 你始终还是最可爱的!!哈哈 真的是太会耍宝了啦你 XD 亲爱的天父上帝 谢谢你 因为你真的给了我很快乐的一天 我知道 你永远会陪在我身边 :)


很搞笑的一天 很多意外的一天 我不懂今天的我到底受了多少的伤 我想 就算算好了 开场打了不是很久就扭到脚了 旧伤 扭到是因为笨!我想是的 没办法 谁叫我没换鞋 呵呵 拉到肩膀 我知道 可是说实在的我也不懂是几时拉到的 只是打到一半突然感觉到它在痛 可是我掩饰得很好吧 没让人发觉任何不妥 因为我还要打 跌倒了 这个很多人都知道 呵呵 可是那个球我还是没有救到 好像是teddy帮我救了吧 好像是的 可是也不小心弄到了左手 又是另一个旧伤 可怜吖 我的左手 辛苦你了 我想最无辜的伤要数这个了 被frisbee打到头 我也忘了是怎么发生的 明明我就只是坐在那里乖乖的看而已 世杰跟康!!殃及池鱼吖你们!! 哈哈开玩笑啦 反正就是在他们抢的时候不小心飞了过来 然后我的头就这样被frisbee亲了一下 无辜 最伤的应该就是我的胃了吧 打了一场之后就在痛了 不是胃痛 也不像是肚子饿的原因 不知道搞什么 就是怪怪的感觉 可是我也没有理它 拜托 难得我肯运动耶 真是的 >, 下次 如果还有下次 可不可以 不要那么多意外了??


相隔一年 想要把某些回忆留下 某些曾经占了我心头很重要位置的人 某些到现在还揪着我思绪的人 一个一个company来吧! ALPHA -我一直都很崇拜的三柴~zharif -眼睛眯眯的~阿武 -很像熬犬的干爹~阿兴 -很自恋的我的老公仔~ian -大家的开心果~阿hee -老是被我欺负的abc~kenneth -说华语比说淡语厉害的~raghu -胖胖的~azmeer -笑起来脸会红红的~家豪 -跟我搭同一辆巴士可是却不熟的~kaijian -被我跟娴取了花名还傻傻的~动物家族跟外星人 -原本很讨厌可是过后却跟我很好的女三柴~balqis -说要学我一样剪短头发的~bob -我的美女室长~iza -我的好姐妹兼最最最最最重要的朋友~娴 -很粗鲁的~hoyek -周杰伦超级粉丝~jelly -跟我同校可是却不熟的~jimi -老是说自己不够我可爱的~巧慧 -和我一样把手弄断的~凯琳 -老是装病不要pt的~ling etc etc etc.... BRAVO -超级高的~lan -不像印度人的印度人~bushan -我的帅哥~zuri -很可爱的原住民~fifi -大大只的~bob -用dove洗头水的~jianshen -曾经是我男朋友的~karming -我的儿子~cbl -笑我很爱玩的~万扬 -中三补习就认识了的~健成 -写字很难看的~kit -小小只可是却有暴力倾向的~see -很厉害唱歌的~helen -很喜欢装可爱的~bpeng -经常都笑口常开的~elvin -对紫外线敏感的~moon etc etc etc.... CHARLIE -很酷可是在生日那天终于都肯跟我笑的黑面神~ryan哥哥 -全营最可爱男营员~小lim -耳朵大大的~jayson -经常落单的~kelvin -老是被我笑暗恋我的~amy -溜滑梯溜到跌倒的~文胜 -最帅的女生~sushi -怕黑的老大~cm -可以一拳把我打死的~lingling -最美的~阿姝姐姐 -很巧的她的表妹就住我家后面的~静芬 -经常进出医院的~elaine -很会打扮的~阿霓 -快要离营了才跟我熟起来的~丽婷 -白白净净的~anna etc etc etc.... DELTA -barney的主人~chrysler -手指很美的~mun -被我从自闭帮拉出来的万人迷~cian -拯救失败的~二柴 -很吾掂的~刀...


过了一个很开心的周末 因为回家了 喜欢回家的感觉 回家当爸爸妈妈的小公主 吃了很多东西 一直吃 回那天跟沛哥还有宏哥去subang吃肉骨茶 回到半路再去买番石榴 还有文冬劳勿半路买菠萝蜜 基本上就是吃吃吃 吃了再吃 然后还是找吃 回到家 跟爸爸去兜风 呵呵 还是喜欢粘着爸爸 还记得爸爸说过一句话 不管我长多大了 我永远都还是爸爸的小公主 瞧 我很幸福吧!!^^ 算算回到家到底吃了多少东西吧!! 有 木瓜 芒果 柚子 菠萝蜜 药材鸡 咖喱牛肉 扣肉 酿苦瓜 酿辣椒 咖喱面 巧克力 罗汉果 ...... 光是吃 就占了很大一部分的时间了 对了 还有睡 没办法 睡觉始终还是我的人生第一大事 呵呵 在家的一天半 过得很满足很开心很幸福 希望以后的每一天都可以这样 BaBY要 永远当你们的小公主 永远跟你们一起 很幸福~