
Showing posts from December, 2011

it ain't the end, yet :)

so it is the time of the year again, the time where everyone is busy reviewing what had been done for the past 365 days, and setting new resolutions for the upcoming 365 days. i tried to sum up my past one year into paragraphs, but i realized it will take forever for me to finish the whole post, and so i give up. let's just say the 365 days are all worth it, be it the good times or the hard times. the circumstances didn't change us. we build the circumstances ourselves. :) so, some new year resolutions, maybe? like STOP KNOCKING INTO THINGS and GET A FRICKING JOB AND BE A SUPER HOT ACCOUNTANT hahaha! with loves, 2011 ♥

the sky is the limit

"you don't get to choose to walk into a relationship. you fall into one before you notice." i promised myself to be braver, to believe, to learn, to fall in love, again. ♥
be joyous, be blessed. merry christmas! and happy birthday, Jesus :)

i feel like a princess, tonight :)

every girl wants to be a princess, not that royal kind of princess, but the feeling of being care of, being the point of focus, or just, being that one special girl for somebody, at that point of time. and i had the chance to experience one of those moments, tonight. it really feels great to have someone to remember what you once said, be it some rants or empty talks. from the car, to the choice of dinner place, to the present that you bought me, and the way you flipped over your phone when notifications came in just because i said i don't like mobiles on dining table. the whole thing is just, so beautiful, so fine, so, good. i thank Father for this man in my life, who always take care of me, always there when i need helps, always ready to be my punch bag, always so considerate, so gentleman. your presence in my life is special, and i want you to know that. thanks for everything. loves :)
当你不知道摊在面前的未来该怎么选择时 抛个硬币吧! 不是要你不负责任的把一切丢给上天作决定 而是当硬币还在旋转 快要停下来的时候 你会很清楚的看得见 到底自己最想要的 是什么 :) 如果说你的选择太多了 那不好意思 就麻烦你...... 掷色子吧! 嘻嘻