i feel like a princess, tonight :)

every girl wants to be a princess, not that royal kind of princess, but the feeling of being care of, being the point of focus, or just, being that one special girl for somebody, at that point of time.

and i had the chance to experience one of those moments, tonight.

it really feels great to have someone to remember what you once said, be it some rants or empty talks. from the car, to the choice of dinner place, to the present that you bought me, and the way you flipped over your phone when notifications came in just because i said i don't like mobiles on dining table. the whole thing is just, so beautiful, so fine, so, good.

i thank Father for this man in my life, who always take care of me, always there when i need helps, always ready to be my punch bag, always so considerate, so gentleman. your presence in my life is special, and i want you to know that. thanks for everything. loves :)


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