Happy Birthday Granma!!!

Heading home for granma birthday and the mid-autumn celebration on Saturday, and you have to admit that it was really awesome. =)

Supposingly I should be out at the mamak for the night with my old friends for gathering, but he ffk me. LOL but nyways I'm glad that he did, if not I won't be able to join the great night. =)

RuiLin came to my house around 8++, the earliest one to reach, and he was supposingly be at the mamak too for his gathering, but then it was cancelled as well. Haha all dates are cancelled.

The atmosphere got heated up when couziesss came, of course with the kids. Seeing them is the best part. When there are kids around there will definitely be lotsa laughters, and sometimes some cries too, but it doesn't matter. Kids are absolutely CUTE!!! =)

Couziess brought along lotsa candles and lanterns, and they decorated the plants along the wall with them. Look so nice right!! =)

Some games event for the night, and the kids were so enjoy playing, me Pey gor and RuiLin was so busy snapping pics and the rest were so busy laughing, especially on the two little boys.

Coming up next after the games was the time to blow the candles.


The next day we went to Raub HuanXiLou for our lunch banquet. It was actually originally scheduled on Saturday but then the restaurant was fully booked for a wedding event. So no choice but postpone. Don't really like banquet at the noon as it actually doesn't really appetizing me, but it doesn't matter as I don't really eat much even it happen to be dinner tho. Let's have a look at the menu. =)

So saliva dropping?? Don't flood my blog kay... =DD

Muacz!! Again Happy Birthday to Granma!! =)

*More photo on Facebook granma birthday part 1 + mid-autumn celebration 031009 and granma birthday part 2 041009.*


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