放不下的依旧会紧紧地锁在心扉,故意不去触碰 并不是忘了,而是更加思念 忘记会不会比较懂事? 想念算不算一种窥视? 站在离彼此最远的位置 对你微笑用最优雅的方式 我们忘了 幸福是两个人 把爱变成永恒
Showing posts from September, 2009
The Curve + Ikea + Ikano 270909
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Finally we got a new spot for gathering, a nice pretty spot. =) Kelvin was looking for a formal shirt for his dunno what function, but due to his 'very small body size', he couldn't find any after so long. We managed to find one in Pyramid TopShop, but then the colour doesn't match his pants, so then there goes our gathering today at The Curve, with the main aim to get his very-small-sized formal shirt. LOL The gathering was planned for a total of 5 Cold Bloods members, but Jayson FFK us after his futsal match at PJ. Super tired I guess. So the 4 of us ie Kelvin Key Jen and Me headed to The Curve around 430, after they got me (actually we planned One-U but then banned it last minute. LOL). Our very first station was Padini Concept Store, and we were so efficient that Kelvin got his formal shirt there at the first stop!! It means the remaining time will be our shopping and lepak-ing time!! Huuray!!! We went to Ikea for window shopping. It was the first time for me...
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Sophia 离开了她的家 为了一个遥不可及的梦想 挥别了 深爱她的爹娘 还有从小看她长大 巷子口杂货店的张妈妈 Sophia 她不太会说话 对这世界总有些奇怪想法 虽然说 没有人了解她 也许梦想中的城市 会有她的舞台绽放光芒 延续上篇,毕业后的我无所事事的呆在家里。对,是“呆”。生活很机械化。起床开电视刷牙早餐载妈妈回来。对了,还考了车牌。那段时间里我和高中的生活基本上是完全脱离联系的,因为很怕去触碰那段不舍得放弃却也回不去的日子。那段日子里,除了学琴,回到劳勿的机率基本上是零。 然后成绩出了。我还记得那天是我亲自驾车回去拿成绩的,新牌哦!哈哈当然有爸爸在旁边啦!见回朋友的感觉真的很棒!一级棒!可是我还是没去聚会,因为时间太赶了。成绩出炉过后没多几天,我已经要进营了。 国民服役,我生命的另一个在转吏点。那种相依的友情,彼此互相需要的生活,我过了人生中最无忧也最充实的一段光阴。我们成立了自己的小帮派,小家族。马华大会,冷血家族,刀疤家族,38帮,我们的笑声在一个又一个故事中穿梭着,当然也少不了别离时的眼泪。又再一次的经历了许多的第一次,难忘的第一次。第一次握着真正的M-16还开了40枪!虽然是空弹,但是感觉还是很爽!第一次玩flying fox,冲下去的速度有点慢,可是那阵风很凉,赞!还有阔别多年后再次跳起印度舞,那种轻快的节奏,一起排舞的汗水,当然还少不了营里的一班死党, 那班废柴 ……哈哈 对了,还有放假时到幼儿园去代班。那班小魔星,我的第一批学生,好可爱哦!超想念他们稚嫩的声音撒娇的叫着“姐姐”!=) 然后,我们从国民服役毕业了,三个月的光阴,我们在笑声和泪水中熬过去了。离营的那天,我们一个一个紧紧的拥抱,可是倔强的泪水却再也没有掉下来。那是我和死党的约定。我们俩说好,流过的泪水已经够多了,离开的最后一幕,我们要用微笑来带过。衰婆,感动吧!我们的坚持,我们打勾勾立下的约定,要记得哦!=) 回家后没多久,我又再一次收拾行李恢复游子的身份。未满十八的我,风尘仆仆的来到了大城市。乡下女进城了!也许是新的环境,我下意识的不想融入这个世界。那个老是嘻嘻哈哈的我竟然就在学院里静下来了,不再像高中的时候那样短短一两天就把所有人都混熟。学院里的我,还真熟女的!不过我想那个假象现在已经一点不剩了!哈哈 就这样,我在学院混了一年多,从未满十八不知不觉的来到了接近十九岁的生日,经历...
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我始终带着你爱的微笑 一路上寻找我遗失的美好 不小心当泪滑过嘴角 就用你握过的手抹掉 再多的风景也从不停靠 只一心寻找我遗失的美好 有的人说不清哪里好 但就是谁都替代不了 今天选择了用好久没练习的华语,因为总有些记忆,只有某个特定的语言能够表达,那段青涩的高中岁月…… 那年,十六岁的我终于像哥哥姐姐们一样,到了离乡背井的游子生涯时刻。面对的是怎么样的一个世界,我不知道,却莫名的期待着。从好多年前看见大姐走的时候,我就知道有一天我也会踏上那条路,也一直很好奇那段路到底会有怎样的风景。 也许我比大家都幸运,在新房子里有哥哥的朋友罩,在学校有一同转校过去的同学,在补习班也有中三的时候认识的朋友们,而且爸爸那时也在劳勿教,所以对我而言那个地方其实也没有太多的不适,又或者是我的适应能力好吧!我竟然就这样的待下来了,没有姐姐们离开家时的不适。对我而言,那是一个很大的探险地图。好多好多的故事慢慢的开始了…… 马慕,一间我从没有喜欢过的学校,却让我认识了很多生命中很重要的人。第一次被描黑,第一次被相信的朋友背叛,第一次从朋友变敌人……陪我走过的是一伙一同相扶相依的密友,一伙至今还跟我紧紧联系着的死党…… 好多好多的补习班,我的生活圈子慢慢的扩大……突然第一次感觉到这个世界的复杂,然后开始逃避,用耍赖来掩饰自己……那段日子里陪我疯的朋友是我最大的鼓励……雪怡阿赖田鸡肥雄阿杰班上的姐妹们彬兜兜毛姐姐丽婷翠婷仪还有兄弟AlexKKHYZMDan,当然少不了在三楼的那班中六的“哥哥姐姐”们,校内的校外的……说实在的,我很享受被他们宠在手心的感觉…… 小孩子,小猴子,从那时起就跟着我的名字。我们会在补习时习惯性的带上棒棒糖,会三更半夜突然给对方一个电话要聊天,会即兴的突然去散步还要边唱歌,会山长水远的走去吃冰,会很无聊的骑着摩托没有目的的趴趴走,会突然走到别人家前面才发个信息给对方说“去喝茶吧我在你家外面”……那一段疯狂的日子,无法无天的我们…… 终于毕业的那天,其实有很多很多的不舍,舍不得离开那所烂学校,因为里头有很多很多属于我们的回忆,好多好多我们一手一脚刻下的痕迹……那一幅墙壁还在么?那幅满满的都是我们签名的墙壁……好多好多被我们用“艺术涂鸦”画得满满的桌子…… 我还记得我们集体逃课的那些日子,记得我们做实验时不断玩闹的笑声,记得我们神神秘秘偷偷替对方准备生日惊喜的过程,记得我们上课时...
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It is raining again out there. I'd forgot since when and why, I realized myself to put a smile on my face whenever it is raining, even though the rain makes me to cancel my plans also I don't care. Looking out the window, the greenary of the scene makes me feel comfort, feel so familiar to the place that I would never able forget it in my life. A place where there is laughter, a place where my loves are there, a place where we built our memories, a place where we cried for separations, the place......
Hair cut again~
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Went to Sg Long for soup again today, ABC soup, my favourites. =) After the lunch, KC ajak me for hair cut. I was nagging him for the hair cut since few weeks ago, and finally we did it today!! Woohooo so then after cleaning up everything we went off to Miko, and my designer today is Angel, a sweet charming girl. I bet she isn't much older than me. LOL We had some fun talk during the hair cut, about my hair, and how to take care the hair and styling bla bla. I love chatting with the designer during the hair cut session. Otherwise it gonna be bored. Imagine I had to sit there for hour or two without a single communication. I bet I gonna fall asleep for that. LOL So let see how big is the difference?? BEFORE AFTER Woohoooo~~ I really love the feeling of cutting my hair short. ^^
shop Shop SHOP~
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Went for a random shopping on Friday, and I just love it. Shopped for foods, and we went to buy ear rings again. Got myself one with a cross. I like cross, not because of religious tho I slowly admit that am a Christian. I just love the design of cross, just a 't', simple! =) (Oh ya I'm not the one who pay the bill. Heeee glad that I'm the youngest at home. =P) Love Songs!!! Both Chinese and English version Ain't this great?? =) Look at this!!! It is solved!!! okay it wasn't me who solved it la.. credits to KC ^^ Looking forward for another shopping. Hey I still got another pierce on my right ear!! Heeheeeee for the time being perhaps I should dig out the old ear ring and put it on. Really worried if the pierce gone. =P
Monday is public holiday!!!!
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Again I went to KC's place for the weekend and came back on Monday, 'cause Monday is holiday!!! ^^ Nothing much to elaborate, just a random rest at the house, really relaxing, and enjoying the bed. =P Planned to cut my hair, but the plan failed. LOL I was just too lazy to think what hair style should I change, and I feel myself so broke after paying the hostel fee. =( So, until I make the decision (and save some money as well), just forget about the hair cut. we made ourselves Cheese Macaroni for the dinner on Friday and I swear the horns wasn't my idea!!!!!! =P Oh ya KC brought me to his classmates house on Friday @ Serdang to get the Pro-E CD, and the gang are really fun. And so, I got a new "Dai Lou" now. LOL don't think it really works, at least not for me. Silly gang, funny gang. Having classmates of this kind during Uni is definitely fun. Wish I got a gang like that too.......
I can't believe I made it!!
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The longer the duration I stay in hostel, the more I feel the "stingyness" of the management. There ain't any extra space for me to move at all, and the study table is just so small!!! See I ain't bluffing right!! Such a small space for utilisation, and the mess even spread to a corner of my bed. That's why I always find excuses for not studying. =P But after the studies, I somehow feel satisfied with it. Look at my audit notes!! So colourful right?? I just love to see my notes cover with colours. =) My Law textbook is one of a kind too. Don't you think that the notes are more attractive with colours?? Mayb I should highlight all my notes and text so that I will then be extremely enthusiatic in study. Imagine myself being a noob. Oh gosh this is funny!! LOL He sent me loads of LeeHom pics today. I don't know where he got it,guess he downloaded it somewhere thru the nets, but it really surprises me alotz!! I just love the little prezzie he gave to praise me...