accepting the true-self

"a child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be busy with something, and to know how to demand with all his might that which he desires." - Paulo Coelho.

this proves to be really right after my current stay with baby. the way she cries when she refuses to go for shower, the way she laughs when we play, the way she runs over when we take out her biscuits, the way she smiles and nods her head, and the way she is constantly into something, be it her toys, some books, or our mobile phones. this left me thinking, i was once her. i laughed and cried like she does, and what makes me different now? for what reasons are we hiding our nature self? the thoughts of realisation go ahhhhhh and i start smiling again, just like how she is smiling at me now.

as we grow up, we learn to hide our feelings. to be strong, tough, and independent. we hide the tears as it is a symbol of weakness. we cover up the scars we had with the smiling mask. we fake a smile even though deep inside we're not happy with what we encounter. some call it "getting mature"; i call it hypocrite.

"natural is naturally better". not sure where i heard it from, some sort of radio commercial i suppose, but isn't it true? how often had we been chasing for something we thought it is of such importance that we ended up losing our true self?

maybe all we need is the courage to accept ourselves as who we are. it is not for anyone to tell us, it is for us to show them. everyone's answer to the question "who am i" and "what am i capable of" are different. the only similarity that we have is WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT. each of us are beautiful, in our own way, i like to believe it so.

i'm accepting the fact that i always behave like a kid, though i'm theoretically an adult now. what about you?


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