the art of forgiveness

was browsing through my mailbox to clear up the chunk of junks inside, and came across this mail from Global Media Outreach Prayer Letter which i subscribed sometimes ago. clicked open the mail, and it led me into a deeper thought of myself.

the body of the mail sounded roughly like this:

We must learn to forgive each other. Because nobody is perfect—not me, not you. The word “forgive” means “to release — to let go.” If you want to have a relationship that lasts more than 6 months, you’ve got to learn how to let things go. Otherwise, it’s loneliness and bitterness for me and you. You see, relationships are like cars. Sometimes they need repair. Wear and tear, constant mileage, accidents: cars need attention to keep working. And just because you have to take it to the shop and spend some money doesn’t mean you should abandon the car. It has years and years more to go; it just needs a little work done from time to time.

Relationships are just like that. Sometimes it’s just taking the car in for a regular service—like asking, “Have I done anything to offend you? How can I be better? I love you.” Or maybe it’s something more serious—like a major offense. But if you want the relationship to last, you have to make things right. You have to forgive from your heart. Ephesians 4:32 says, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”

If you want God to forgive you, you have to forgive others. There’s no way around that. Jesus said, “If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins” (Matthew 6:14,15). God is not going to forgive you for your many sins if you are not willing to forgive someone their relatively few sins against you. What if your child refused to share his cookie with his brother but expected you to give him most of your dinner? You wouldn’t want to teach him that kind of behavior.

God wants us to forgive each other, because He has forgiven us. Who do you need to forgive? Maybe it’s a relative you don’t even see anymore; maybe it’s your best friend or spouse. No matter who it is, the same action is necessary. It’s not always easy, but it is rewarding. Forgiveness will free you from the burden of bitterness and help you have lasting relationships. It will also allow you to receive God’s forgiveness. Take a moment today and ask God to help you forgive all those who have wronged you and thank Him for His incredible forgiveness.

the art of forgiveness, something i been trying to embrace. something i thought i have in hand. something sounded so easy on paper yet so hard to practice. something i been reminding myself day after day, yet forget when anger fury and hatred cover my mind.

when i was irritated, when i felt betrayed, when someone let me down, i can't help but to have this negative feeling over them. sometimes i even curse for whatever they'd done on me, if i deemed it inappropriate. but end of the day, who am i to judge? had i not let others down, in similar ways? all in all, when i made such mistakes, had i not upset Him? and if i prayed so hard for Him to forgive me on my sins, why am i so obsess with myself and not forgiving others?

i been a hypocrite, i know. but not anymore. hopefully. the art of forgiveness, let's practice together. :)


  1. you should learn to ask for forgiveness rather than forgiving... Especially to me for blocking my 桃花



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