
Showing posts from September, 2011

coffee talk #3

在不委屈自己的前提下 学会分享. 所以咖啡香借你闻 可是我的咖啡 你别想喝.

coffee talk #2

关于某些已经失去的东西 就算有再多的眷恋 也回不去了

cuz you are my man :)

i know there's a man in this world who'll love me more than any other people, and i love you too, more than anyone else. :) this man, in my life, he might not be the richest man i know, but he has a pool of never ending love to share with me. he has real bad temper at times, but he tolerates, laughs and fools around with me most of the time. i know it's not possible for him to be with me all the time, but he'll always be there whenever i need. he loves me more than any other man could be on this earth, and so do i. family :) happy birthday papi! loves ♥
有没有那么一天 你也会这样 明明就才刚睡醒 却好像永远没睡够的样子 明明就还没吃东西 却一点饿的感觉也没有 明明就还有一座山高的未完成任务 却一点动力也没有 明明明天就要考试了 却宁可上来打一篇很没有意义的文字也不想温习 有没有那么一天 你也会这样 习惯性的开了电脑上线了 然后瞪着屏幕 不知道该做什么 打开了 itunes playlist 从第一首一直跳到最后一首 最后一首都没听完 给自己泡了一杯最喜欢的咖啡 静静的看着它冒着热热的烟 一口都没喝 翻箱倒柜的找出了很久以前从电脑烧出来的CD 看看几年前的我们 笑自己当初 幼稚 天真 不自量力 有没有那么一天 你也会这样 突然不想再说话 突然觉得微笑其实很累 突然发现世界很虚伪 突然发现自己很陌生 扯了个很无奈的笑脸 我看了一眼立在桌上的镜子 那个微笑的女生 很陌生
  'cuz i can always find the best smile in you :)

coffee talk #1

一杯放凉的咖啡 就像一段放凉的感情一样 变调了 喝下去 还会伤身
i didn't lost count of the dates. i just forget what day is today, cuz all i remember was how many days had gone since i last saw you. gone totally stunned yesterday during yumcha when jien told me it was thursday. i went all the way omg omg omg cuz i thought it was wednesday, like seriously. can't believe i has only 3 more days to stay at home, including today. home is great. really. everything is great back here. peace, green, babies, plushies, and my own bed. nothing could beat this feeling to be with the love ones, and if i have to quote one thing that's missing, it has to be you. everything gone perfectly fine here, but i miss you.